Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blog 17: Neff & Nafus- Self Tracking Early Pages

I can already tell that this book might be my favorite of all that we have read this semester. Self-tracking is such an interesting topic, because I feel like it is the most private/personal technology that people use. Even though it is so personal, more and more people have been sharing their fitness, health, and other information via social media.

The authors bring up an important fact that we have been quantified before the technology even existed. Back in the day, paper and pen was used to record the same information that is today. Benjamin Franklin used this early form of self-tracking to record brief entries or short facts laid out sequentially.

Today, people are able to track without paper and pen. It is much easier to track using technology such as wearables or just your phone. Different self-tracking technologies have different capabilities in regards to exactly what they record. After reading this I also realize how small or how large self-tracking can become. Another realization I made is that self-tracking has created various online communities that can brought individuals together who might not otherwise be.

What kind of self-tracking devices are most popular? Which devices do you think have the largest community?

Overall, I am excited to continue reading this book. There is a lot of text that speaks directly to our overall theme, so I think we will be able to apply this book many times and have a great discussion in class.

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